StarWars - The Correct Sequence - Home - movies

Here is a list of the StarWars movies by release year :-

1977StarWars 4 - A New Hope
1980StarWars 5 - The Empire Strikes Back
1983StarWars 6 - Return of the Jedi
1999StarWars 1 - The Phantom Menace
2002StarWars 2 - The Clone Wars
2005StarWars 3 - Revenge of the Sith
2015StarWars 7 - The Force Awakens
2016StarWars ? - Rogue OneThis slots in just before "A New Hope" and explains why the first Death Star was so easy to blow up
2017StarWars 8 - The Last Jedi
2018StarWars ? - Solo
2019StarWars 9 - The Rise of SkywalkerThis will be the last ?

Here is the correct sequence to watch StarWars in :-

  1. The Phantom Menace
  2. The Clone Wars
  3. Revenge of the Sith
  4. Solo
  5. Rogue One
  6. A New Hope
  7. The Empire Strikes Back
  8. Return of the Jedi
  9. The Force Awakens
  10. The Last Jedi
  11. The Rise of Skywalker
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